Poem of the Week, by Danez Smith

The man in the white shirt, black pants, and briefcase, the one who stepped in front of the tank in Tiananmen Square and just stood there. The girl in the long dress who slid a flower into the barrel of the gun the officer had trained on her. The woman who ended up becoming a second mother to the boy who murdered her own son. In the face of justifiable horror at Israeli and Palestinian deaths and unjustifiable antisemitism, these are the people I’m thinking about these days.

Little Prayer, by Danez Smith

let ruin end here

let him find honey
where there was once a slaughter

let him enter the lion’s cage
& find a field of lilacs

let this be the healing
& if not    let it be

For more information about the wondrous Danez Smith, please check out their website. Note that a version of this post first appeared in 2017.


Words by Winter: my poetry podcast

Poem of the Week, by Leo Dangel

This summer I’m offering a mini-session of our popular Write Together sessions, July 17-19, in which we gather on Zoom for an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening and write quietly together from a guided prompt. $100, with two half-price scholarships available, no questions asked. Please click here for all the details. I’d love to see you in the Zoom room.

Some friends and I were talking last week about certain memories that sustain us, that we keep somewhere way down in our hearts and don’t talk about with anyone, ever, but that we remember when we need strength, when we need to be reminded of who we are way down deep. A certain person, maybe, or a certain conversation, or a certain evening. These memories are a kind of invisible, silent fuel.

His Elderly Father as a Young Man, by Leo Dangel

This happened before I met your mother:
I took Jennie Johanson to a summer dance,
and she sent me a letter, a love letter,
I guess, even if the word love wasn’t in it.
She wrote that she had a good time
and didn’t want the night to end.
At home, she lay down on her bed
but stayed awake, listening to the songs
of morning birds outside her window.
I read that letter a hundred times
and kept it in a cigar box
with useless things I had saved:
a pocket knife with an imitation pearl handle
and a broken blade,
a harmonica I never learned to play,
one cuff link, an empty rifle shell.

When your mother and I got married,
I threw the letter away –
if I had kept it, she might wonder.
But I wanted to keep it
and even thought about hiding places,
maybe in the barn or the tool shed,
but what if it were ever found?
I knew of no way to explain why
I would keep such a letter, much less
why I would take the trouble to hide it.

Please click here for more details about poet Leo Dangel.

My podcast: Words by Winter

Poem of the Week, by Thomas Fenton

Click here to read a thoughtful Publisher Weekly’s interview with me about my new novel, Telephone of the Tree

Today I sat in my favorite bakery working on a new book. This is a bakery I go to once or twice a week, where most of the staff are young and beautiful the way young people are always beautiful. It was late afternoon, a slow time of day, and behind the counter two of them were talking. Their voices rose and receded, paused and then tumbled along, full of laughter, then murmurs, then laughter again, and I thought of this poem. Maybe they’ve been friends for a long time. Maybe something is changing. Maybe they left the bakery and went to their separate homes and are thinking about each other now and smiling.

Serious, by James Fenton

Awake, alert,
suddenly serious in love,
you’re a surprise.
I’ve known you long enough —
now I can hardly meet your eyes.

It’s not that I’m
embarrassed or ashamed.
You’ve changed the rules

the way I’d hoped they’d change before I thought: hopes are for fools.

Let me walk with you.
I’ve got the newspapers to fetch.
I think you know
I think you have the edge
but I feel cheerful even so.

That’s why I laughed.
That’s why I went and kicked that stone.
I’m serious!
That’s why I cartwheeled home.
This should mean something. Yes, it does.

Click here for more information about James Fenton. Today’s poem, “Serious,” is from his collection Yellow Tulips, published in 2012 by Faber and Faber. 
My podcast: Words by Winter

Year-long FICTION Writing Workshop on Zoom

Dear friends,

I’m happy to be teaching a year-long fiction writing workshop on Zoom, Tuesday evenings beginning June 4, via the wonderful Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis. The workshop is open to anyone anywhere in the world with an interest in writing fiction of any kind. If the workshop sounds like a good fit for you, I’d love to see you there.

We’ll be diving into fiction in all its glorious forms throughout the year. What are you drawn to? What are you interested in writing? Short stories, flash fiction, sudden fiction, novels for adults, novels for children, less-definable fiction forms and structures: we are open to all of it. I’ve always loved to experiment in my fiction writing and you should feel free to do the same.

The advantages of a multi-genre fiction workshop are many: reading and thinking deeply about fiction in a genre adjacent but unfamiliar to your own work can expand our creativity and positively influence our own writing. Throughout the year, you may be drawn to and want to experiment with various forms of fiction, and we welcome that as well. If you want to draft an entire book in the course of the year, you’ll be able to. If you want to play around and see where your inner spark takes you, you can do that too. No matter your focus, this will be an exhilarating, intensive, fun year together.

The first of two info sessions is tomorrow, Wednesday, May 1, from 4-5:30 Central time. Here’s the link if you’d like to sign up. OR, feel free just to email me with any questions.

Note that our workshop is strictly limited to twelve and will most likely be smaller. We’ll meet for thirty three-hour meetings and six shorter individual consultations, so you’ll receive lots of individual attention. The workshop is pricey, but the Loft does offer one almost-full scholarship. I’ve been teaching creative writing my entire life —it’s a vocation second only to writing to me—and my only goal as a teacher is to be useful to you and nurture your inherent creative spark. Click here for lots more information, and feel free to email me with any questions.

Poem of the Week, by Tim Seibles

Click here to see the beautiful cover, read an excerpt, and find out more about my new novel Telephone of the Tree, officially in the world on May 7. 

These days I keep looking at a photo of a friend’s baby lying on a blanket as his father reads Chicka Chicka Boom Boom to him. The baby is tiny, and the expression on his face is pure wonder. Astonishment. Happiness. As if the book and his father and the words and the blanket and the world, the whole entire world, this same world that most of us later learn to walk through with our guard up, are just one big delight.

Naïve, by Tim Seibles

               I love you but I don’t know you (Mennonite Woman)

When I was seven, I walked home
with Dereck DeLarge, my arm 

slung over his skinny shoulders,
after-school sun buffing our lunch boxes.

So easy, that gesture, so light— 
the kind of love that lands like a leaf.

It was 1963.  
We were two black boys

whose snaggle-toothed grins 
held a thousand giggles.

Remember? Remember
wanting to play

every minute, as if that
was why we were born?

Those hands that bring us
shouting into this life

must open like a fanfare 
of big band horns.

Though this world is nothing

like where we’d been, 
we come anyway, astonished

as if to Mardi Gras in full swing.
There must be a time

when a child’s heart builds 
a chocolate sunflower

while katydids burnish the day
with their busy wings.

This itching fury that 
holds me now—this knowing

the early welcome
that once lived inside me

was somehow sent away:
how I talk myself back

into all the regular disguises
but still walk these streets

believing in the weather
of the unruined heart.

My friends, with crow’s feet
edging their eyes,

keep looking for a kinder
city, though they don’t

want to seem naïve.
When was the last time

you wrapped your arm
around someone’s shoulder

and walked him home?

Click here for more information about Tim Seibles. “Naive” was first published on the American Academy of Poet’s Poem-a-Day site in 2024.

My podcast: Words by Winter

Poem of the Week, by Robin Rosen Chang

Friends, I’m teaching a year-long FICTION writing class on Zoom, beginning in June, via the Loft Literary Center. The workshop, which will take place Tuesday evenings from 6-9 Central time, is open to anyone anywhere in the world who wants to write fiction. Click here for many more details. 

Cindy was my childhood best friend. We spent inordinate amounts of time together playing our own word game, building hay forts, playing tag in the sweet corn, and camping by the creek across the field, through the woods, and down the hill where the coyotes lived (we were fearless little kids). Cindy went through cancer treatment when we were in fifth grade (she recovered) and I used to go with her to the radiation lab and sit next to her on the couch afterward. She moved to Florida when we were eleven. Only decades later do I understand just how lonely I was without her.

Indian Creek with Neighbor Boy, by Robin Rosen Chang

When we were kids, we explored
the creek, meandered with it
through our yards and beyond
as if we had discovered it
ourselves. We wandered along its bed,
navigating its contours
until we learned where the water
moved fastest, where it trickled,
where its stones jutted out
forming steps for us to cross
from one side to the other.
When we knew the creek perfectly,
we rolled our pants,
tossed our dirty socks and damp sneakers
and waded through it,
lifting rocks to catch crayfish
and scooping up salamanders
shrouded in the cool mud.

In winters, we stomped along
its gray frozen surface like giants,
cracking the ice with our heavy steps,
or slid clumsily on the thicker patches
behind the McCabes’ house.
Once, you shattered it
and fell in. When you got up,
dripping wet, tears
streaming down your chubby child cheeks,
you turned to me,
claimed it was my fault—
a true friend wouldn’t just stand there.
To ease your pain,
I lay in the frigid creek,
in the exact spot where you had fallen.

Click here for more information about poet Robin Rosen Chang. Today’s poem is from her collection The Curator’s Notes, published by Terrapin Press.

My podcast: Words by Winter

Poem of the Week, by Niels Hav

Friends, I’ll be teaching a year-long FICTION writing class on Zoom, via the Loft Literary Center. The workshop, which will take place Tuesday evenings from 6-9 Central time, begins in June and is open to anyone anywhere in the world with an interest in writing any kind of fiction. Click here for many more details. 

The first time I walked into my house it felt happy and full of life and I made an offer then and there. It’s well over a hundred years old, still young by Alison-house standards. It began life as a single-family house, turned into a boarding house in World War II (some of the bedroom doors are numbered, and when we knocked out a wall it was insulated with newspapers from 1945), and now it’s triplex-ish.

Sometimes I wonder about the people who lived here before me. Hints live on in bits of wallpaper at the back of an ancient closet – who chose that pattern? Who was the person who planted the rhododendron that bloomed solo before I turned the place into a riot of flowers? How many babies learned to walk in this house? How many fell in love, fell out of love, grew into people who maybe drive by now and think, Who lives here now, in the rooms I knew so well?

The Battered Inside, by Niels Hav, translated by PK Brask & Patrick Friesen

The battered inside of the cupboard under the kitchen sink
makes me happy.  Here are two honest nails
hammered into the original boards that have been there
since the apartment block was built. It’s like revisiting
forgotten members of our closest family.
At some point the boards were blue; there is some leftover red
and a green pastel. The kitchen sink is new
and the counter has been raised ten centimeters. Probably
it’s been renovated several times through the years.
The kitchen has remained current; there are new lamps,
electric stove, fridge and coffee maker.
But here under the sink a time warp has been allowed
its hidden existence. Here is the wash tub with the floor cloth,
the plunger and a forgotten bit of caustic soda.
Here the spider moves about undisturbed.
Maybe there’s been kissing and dancing in this kitchen

Probably there’s been crying.
Happy people newly in love have prepared fragrant meals
and later cooked porridge while making sandwiches for lunch boxes.
Hungry children have stolen cookies. Laughter has resounded
in the stairwell and ropes have been skipped in the yard
while new cars were being parked outside. People moved in and out,
old ones died and were carried downstairs, newborn babies
were carried upstairs. Everything according to order—
my nameplate will also disappear from the door one day.
I get down on my knees in front of the kitchen sink
and respectfully greet the plunger, the spider
and the two honest nails.

Click here for more information about Danish poet Niels Hav. Today’s poem is from his poetry collection Moments of Happiness, published by Anvil Press, Vancouver. 

My apologies in advance if I don’t reply immediately. Thank you.alisonmcghee.comMy podcast: Words by Winter

Poem of the Week, by Marion Strobel

Click here to see the beautiful cover, read an excerpt, and find out more about my new novel Telephone of the Tree, out next month. 

When I first read this poem I felt quiet and still, as if I were with a baby in a garden and we were gently touching each flower and vegetable in turn and saying their names. When I read it again I thought of love, old love, and wondered if it too is fragile, the way new love can be fragile.

Then I wondered if all love is fragile, and if all love needs to be tended, and learned how to be held, over and over, so that it can grow old.

Little Things, by Marion Strobel

Little things I’ll give to you–
till your fingers learn to press
on a loveliness;
little things and new–till your fingers learn to hold
love that’s fragile,
love that’s old.

A fiction writer, critic, and poet, Marion Strobel was an associate editor of Poetry from 1920 to 1925. Today’s poem, Little Things, is in the public domain.

My podcast: Words by Winter

My new novel, Telephone of the Tree

Friends, Telephone of the Tree will be on bookshelves as of May 7!

Long ago, I listened to an NPR story about Japan’s “wind telephone,” a disconnected pay phone in northern Japan that people use to speak to their lost loved ones. That story has haunted me ever since, and Telephone of the Tree is the result of six years of trying (and failing) and trying (and failing) to write a book that would bring readers the same feelings of beauty and longing that the NPR story brought me. ❤️

Telephone of the Tree is supposedly for children but I keep getting emails from grownup readers that it goes straight to their own hearts. Which makes sense, because I wrote it for everyone who’s ever longed to talk, even one more time, to someone they love. Click here for pre-order links – I always encourage buying from independent book stores. (Also, the reason you always hear writers urging their friends to pre-order their books is that the number of pre-orders determines how many books are printed…!)

The first few (starred!) reviews are in:

“Rather than trot in a therapist or some other mouthpiece for wise counseling, the author gives her protagonist subtler (and more believably effective) help reaching that insight—most notably parents who give her space rather than unwanted advice, and her grandfather’s old telephone.  Readers feeling Ayla’s profound sense of loss will be relieved when she finds a way to live with it. Raw and sad but lit with occasional glints of humor and ending, as it should, on a rising note.” —Kirkus, starred review

★ “The reveal that the phone was placed by Ayla’s grandpa who used it to “call” his wife after she passed is just one beautiful details in a story that focuses on generational healing rather than generational trauma. While more mature readers may quickly realize that Kiri has died, the novel’s hybrid of lyrically written plot fragments and stream of consciousness serve to poetically reveal the facts as Ayla becomes ready to process them.” —The Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books, starred review

“Inspired by Itaru Sasaki’s phone booth in Japan, where people can symbolically call deceased loved ones, McGhee lays bare the powerful emotions entangled with loss while demonstrating the strength found in community.” —Booklist

“McGhee injects a speculative twist to this tender tale about death and grief. Employing spare, sensory language, McGhee explores the painful negative space created by loss and the devastation of a friendship cut short, as well as the healing found in moving forward while remembering that ‘there’s more… so much more.'” —Publishers Weekly

Penguin Random House, the publisher, describes the book this way:

An unforgettable story of grief and the support of community as a young girl, faced with aching loss, begins to understand that what we love will always be with us.

Ayla and her best friend Kiri have always been tree people. They each have their own special tree, and neighbors and family know that they are most likely to be found within the branches. But after an accident on their street, Kiri has gone somewhere so far away that Ayla can only wait and wait in her birch, longing to be able to talk with Kiri again.

Then a mysterious, old-fashioned telephone appears one morning, nestled in the limbs of Ayla’s birch tree. Where did it come from? she wonders. And why are people showing up to use this phone to call their loved ones? Especially loved ones who have passed on.

All Ayla wants is for Kiri to come home. Until that day comes, she will keep Kiri’s things safe. She’ll keep her nightmares to herself. And she will not make a call on that telephone.

Poem of the Week, by Julia Hartwig

Our dog Paco never tires of affection. His appetite for pets, belly rubs, neck scratching, or improvised songs sung into his ears knows no bounds. During the day he will sit at my feet and tell me, in low grunts and grrrs, eyes fixed on mine, that it’s time to take a break so he can leap onto my lap and be stroked.

What Paco wants, he asks for. And we give it to him. Our lives are all better for it. I have one human friend who reminds me of Paco: fearless, funny, and forthright in stating their needs. I’ve never been like my dog or my friend, but I aspire to be.

Demand It Courageously, by Julia Hartwig (translated by John and Bogdana Carpenter) 

    Make some room for yourself, human animal.
     Even a dog jostles about on his master’s lap to
improve his position. And when he needs space he
runs forward, without paying attention to commands
or calls.
     If you didn’t manage to receive freedom as a gift,
demand it as courageously as bread and meat.
     Make some room for yourself, human pride and dignity.
     The Czech writer Habal said:
     I have as much freedom as I take.

Click here for more information about Polish poet Julia Hartwig. Today’s poem first appeared in her collection In Praise of the Unfinished, published by Knopf in 2008.

My podcast: Words by Winter