Poem of the Week, by Maggie Smith

me and Arthur
The tattoo over my daughter’s heart spells out the words of love I’ve said to her every night we’ve ever slept beneath the same roof. Loving my children is the biggest, easiest part of me.

What if you loved everyone the way you love them, Alison? 

Once in a while, for a tiny breath of time, I get a glimpse of what living in that imaginary world would feel like, and it’s overwhelming. It’s not the world I live in, but I wish it were.


Rain, New Year’s Eve, by Maggie Smith

The rain is a broken piano,
playing the same note over and over.

My five-year-old said that.
Already she knows loving the world

means loving the wobbles
you can’t shim, the creaks you can’t

oil silent—the jerry-rigged parts,
MacGyvered with twine and chewing gum.

Let me love the cold rain’s plinking.
Let me love the world the way I love

my young son, not only when
he cups my face in his sticky hands,

but when, roughhousing,
he accidentally splits my lip.

Let me love the world like a mother.
Let me be tender when it lets me down.

Let me listen to the rain’s one note
and hear a beginner’s song.


For more information about the wondrous Maggie Smith, please click here.



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Twitter and Instagram: @alisonmcgheewriter 



  1. Melissa · May 10, 2020

    SO beautiful. Thank you for the perfect personal story and poem for managing these uncertain times and for Mother’s Day tomorrow. I’m always moved by the way you talk about how you love your children. Happy Mother’s Day, Alison! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. alisonmcghee · May 10, 2020

    Melissa, thank you! What a beautiful comment. Love to you and yours. XO


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